Imagine to achieve it!

Imagine, imagine, imagine and now achieve it …………………

The goals achieved and the accomplishments obtained all begin with a positive self-image. Initially you can create an image of yourself while performing a task and / or achieving a goal with passion and enthusiasm.

In fact, we often imagine what it would be like to get what we want be it at work, in sport or in life in general.

Then our imagination moves more towards reality and we begin to develop a method to reach our goal. In the end we apply all our energies and resources to transform it into reality and to make our dreams come true.

Imagining a positive result encourages us, transmits enthusiasm and confidence, and it motivates us to sacrifice and towards gratification over a period of time.

When I teach my performers visualization or imagination techniques to help them achieve their goals,, I guide them by connecting them with every detail that is visual, cognitive, emotional and sensorial to immerse them, using all their physical and mental potential, in the positive experience of the imagination.

The practice of martial arts in Asia or meditation are  examples of the importance that the mind and its abilities have in controlling and determining the result of a performance.

Performers of a certain level, whether they be athletes, artists, soldiers or surgeons when they train, prepare both the body and the mind to obtain the highest levels of performance.

Mental preparation,, is like bringing "the brain to the gym".

Preparing the mind, through visualization, therefore allows us to increase the chances of achieving our goals and successes.


Visualization is a conscious process of creating mental and sensory images with the aim of enhancing our life.



It is not enough to think, the experience we desire must be to the fullest and immersed on a sensorial, emotional and imaginative level.



It is a skill that must be controlled and practiced regularly. A performance and mental coach can guide and help towards easily acquiring this ability.



You can use this visualization for every objective or problem you want to affront.


Visualization increases attention, reduces stress and pain, raises vitality levels and improves problem solving skills.


Start to imagine and now imagine yourself: you see, feel, achieve what you imagine.
