Cognitive and Behavioural Techniques (CBT & CFT)
Performers who are under a great amount of pressure display a tendency towards self-criticism and perfectionism and often think “If I stop criticizing myself and being rigid I will not have the same results”. The question is : “Do we perform better when we are in a state of fear and stress or when we are in a state of calmness and mental clarity?” The truth is that each one of us is more motivated and feels more energy and competitive drive when he or she receives applause, incitements, compliments rather than criticism and denigration.
A negative approach puts us under even greater pressure incrementing anxiety and fear. This results in not achieving an optimal performance and being unable to take advantage of and fully expand his or her own potentialities. So why do we believe we think we have to be so hard on ourselves? The answer is because we have learnt to be like that, because someone or some experiences have taught us to behave in this way. It is as if in our hardware or brain, somebody had put a rigid and critical software that slows down mental functioning and speed. Cognitive behavioural approaches help “replace the old software with one that functions better”.